Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I've been bad...

I kinda forgot i had a blog. It's difficult to keep track of what I need to be checking on the internet each day, and even though I do a lot of checking, it's usually the same things.

My latest project is coming along really nicely. I started it on Monday evening at my knitting group. It's the 'Daughter' sweater from Creative Knitting, May 2007. I'm using Paton's SWS in Natural Geranium, shades of deep pink and purple, with some olive green and pale creamy pink in there too. I need to find buttons. Anyway, it's going quickly, and I've just gotten past the armhole decreases on the back.

Another project I started is the Branching Out scarf from Knitty. I've been trying to use Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Gold Hill, but it's not working out very well.

I'll upload some pics soon - my camera is somewhere around, but I'm not entirely sure where...

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